Current Publications
The Evangelization of the New World: Hispanic Influence in American History 1988 paperback by James R. Leek student text and teacher’s manual. Set $29.95
A favorite of thousands of homeschooling students.
The story of the New World is stranger than fiction. The stories of these key persons whose lives made a difference in the struggle for the the New World are told in riveting ways. Students are asked to see these stories in light of Catholic social principles. What movtives drove Columbus? What did Isabella think of slavery? Why did Cortez tell the king that if he wanted to convert the natives to Christianity that he needed to send Christians over? Why did Our Lady of Guadalupe appear as see did? Why was Don Vasco de Quiroga the antidote to previous corruption? What was the legacy of Fathers Sera and Kino?
Our Roman Roots: A Catholic Student’s Guide to Latin Grammar and Western Civilization 1997 by James R. Leek, illustrated by Alice Bascom student worktext, teacher’s manual, and audio CD $49.95
Much more than a simple Latin text. This work text is loved by homeschoolers because of its integrated approach which teaches Latin vocabulary, English derivatives, grammar study as well as pronunciation (hence the audio CD). Students are asked to think, reason, sing along, learn simple Latin prayers. A unique and delightful approach to beginning Latin and concepts of Western civilization. Written for parents who themselves never studied Latin but want their children to know it.

St. Paul’s Magazine
St. Paul’s Children’s Magazine (later St. Paul’s Family Magazine) was published from 1984 until 1995 with subscribers in all fifty states and thirty foreign countries.
Work is now in progress to reissue these in ebook format.